Stripe or not

Ima voting argent.
That green is pretty dark. I think black(my preferred color) will get lost in the sea of darkness.
I just cant imagine white working with the dark green and black.
Argent, I can totally see. Its neutral, and goes with most any wheels and especially with your center caps

Forget the poll. You know you want argent.
Just imagine youre kicking back at the car show. Some punk is all over your car, just digging it. He gets around to the back, where youre sitting and says" I really like your silver(or gray) stripe". Bam! Hit me with a pipe its GO-time. So you respond with,"yeah this ARGENT stripe was recommended to me by some friends on FABO, and I really like it". To which he says"Rwut?... fa-who?" Shazzam!,you are in; the conversation has begun.