California save water

Uhhhmmmm... No.... #-o

If you want our water come here and pay the taxes for it. We're not going to let you suck our water supply dry to put us in your position.... :finga:

They've been proposing that pipeline for years now... It's a "pipe dream"... Not gonna happen.... :evil3:

I live next to Lake Michigan and have the majority of my life. I have seen the lake level get crazy high, to crazy low, where it is now. Water level has dropped close to 8 feet in the last 20 years. Reason? I think because of these two. The Chicago River has been opened up to let more water out. It doesn't take a crazy amount, just enough over time. The warm winters, where there is no ice cover allows water to evaporate. Another reason, that I heard, is that the Army Corp of Engineers deepened the St. Clair River to navigation for shipping. What that did is essentially allowed more water to leave the upstream lakes.