oil pump question ?

Well, I understand your thinking ,but not agreeing just yet.
Back to my example;3000rpm
Say the stock pump is putting out 30 psi into said restrictor.
Ima thinking The HV pump in pushing more oil might develop some higher pressure,perhaps 35psi into the same restrictor. However, with the higher pressure,its putting more oil through that restrictor.
We havent got into bypass mode yet.

I think of it as a garden hose. Set the volume delivery at less than max capacity, at the valve. Jam a straw into the delivery end, to represent the restrictor. Measure the output per unit of time.
Then repeat the test , with more volume delivery from the valve.The pressure before the valve is the same in each case; whatever the system is set to. If you like, you could plumb a pressure gauge just before the straw. Then you could compare the pressure difference. But Im more interested in volume.

Yes, that's correct at 35 psi it will pass more oil for the same given RPM, point is, do you need that extra pressure at that RPM, and if you blocked the relief valve how much pressure do you think the HV pump would try to generate at say 7000 RPM... maybe enough to blow the oil filter off?? all that extra pressure has to go somewhere... and that somewhere is???