Pulled the Mess that was my Timing Chain....

Fuel will start to go bad pretty quickly but 2 months would not do this, in my experience. Besides, it would not ever run for any period of time with bad gas, but it does run Ok for you in the right circumstances.

OK, on the distributor position; understood. Says your new timing chain is not falling off the sprockets!

When you are testing again, I would suggest doing the electrical items first to get that settled to some degree without moving on to other things. Then do the compression tests to see if there are any issues there. Then go over the carb operatoin, float setting, etc., and leaks. A vaccum test is probably not possible or meaningful with it running so poorly. It helps to do things in a group to rule out issues with a whole system or aspect of operation.

Also, as suggested, look at the choke butterfly to see if it closes with one pump of the throttle when cold and not running, and then opens a bit more than 1/8"' after starting to make sure the unloader is working right. If the choke stays firmly closed after the engine starts, that is a problem for your situation; it will make the mixture overly rich and choke off too much air to the engine. You can always stick you finger or a popsicle stick down the carb throat and open the choke and see if that helps cure an overly rich choke situation.

Sorry, I am not giving things in a more orderly fashion; my brain is on small blocks nowadays. You'l get there... sent ya a PM.