1/16 Farm Tractors

Cast my own, build and then sold them at shows around the midwest.
Used to go to Dyersville Iowa to a big show there. I cast and built a
Case 930 with a 6 bottom plow. A Farmall 560 Diesel. Oliver 1600.
And last but not least, International 806-856-1256 with plows.
That's the one that got me in trouble with Case-IH. Then sent me a
cease and desist notice from their lawyers. That's about the time I
sold everything and got out. Sadly I only have two left.
They were all cast with the spin-cast method, in Rockford Ill.
Back in the early '90's the Case/Internationals sold for $350 and with a plow, $625.
I will try to get some pictures.
