Can a leaking fuel pump gasket cause vacuum leak?

Oh no a bad pump can leak OIL in the pan! Sorry I had to throw a jab at you. You mean, can leak gas into the pan? right?

Well LOL I guess it depends on what you put in the "fuel" tank

In my life I've been privy to THREE explosions due to fuel

First was early seventies. I was stuck on shore patrol in San Diego. They had me typing booking forms, I hated it, but that's another story

We had a third class was 'always late' One day he called, came in late, and said "you won't believe this."

I said "probably not, it better be good"

He said he had "the kid" go out and start his 57 Chev, and they heard a loud noise. Went out and the hood was dented FROM UNDERNEATH. It had blown the oil breather / filler cap off and hit the hood, and had ruptured and blown one valve cover right off the engine!!!


The other notable one one night in my home town we were leaving a local cafe / bar late. A late seventies Ferd was parked, someone getting in and fired it up. All sorts of noise, flame, sparks, and flame come from underneath. It ruptured the oil pan!!!!


Last one I was not close to. Friend of mine showed photos of the damage.