HDK is on-line?

Well, I didn't know that this was out here yet as general knowledge but it has been "live" for a couple of
weeks, at least if you knew where to look. I've been working on it, adding information to the "empty shell".

Thanks for the (mostly) positive comments. If anybody has some nice pics of their HDK build that I don't
yet have on the site, PM them to me and I'll try to get them all included.

Also, new FAQ's and requests for specific "Tech Tips" are welcomed. Let me know what you want to see.

This has been needed for a long time and was stymied by a false start by one web site creator last year.
We hope that this will ultimately be a good source of information and answer a lot of questions.

I have a thread titled "my HDK install thread". I did a step by step install break down. If you can use any of that go for it.