I'm feed up. Time to ask for help!

Thinking out loud (1) rotor phasing (if using vac adv which changes RP) & when you floor it you go to near zero vac which shifts the RP back CW (on a SB) which might be moving the rotor tip too far away from the cap terminal. the tip radial distance can be excessive also & they both add up & if the required voltage is greater than the available voltage needed to jump that combined gap then it will misfire (NAPA has a rotor with a .060" longer blade (MO3000 which helps with the radial gap/several options for the phasing (circumferential) gap correction. (2) vac leak. Holler what it (ends) up being. EDIT If using vac adv cap it which'll tell you if its a phasing problem and possibly if it is an excessive timing problem