crap what next?!

Did you put any type of sealer on the two center bolt thread the carb on each side? Oil can wick up the threads and puddle on the intake under those bolts. The two bolts in the center of the intake on each side of the carb...

I'll use the gaskacinch and goop the intake bolts. I couldn't see a defined oil path from or under the gasket?
There seems to be possibly the lightest of film of oil under the gasket? I can see visual oiliness to the intake port and when I wipe my finger in there it pulls out just the lightest of film its not like dripping wet with oil?
of course my biggest fear is it coming from the valve itself or the valve seal I mean?
I did read tighten the bolts after the car heat cycled, but I can say I haven't checked them since and they didn't seem overly tight when I took them off thats for sure.
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