Has anyone had a car shipped from CA to the East coast

Why not fly there, enjoy a SoCal vacation for a week, driving the car and fixing any niggling issues, then drive it back? If you have never seen the country it will be memorable. I have done the CA-GA drive several times in 3 days by myself, or 2 days w/ co-driver. Otherwise, I have had 2 cars delivered by a Drive-away service. Both were European vacationers, but that was going to CA which is always popular. Much cheaper than a transport company.

If it were me, and I had time, I would buy a 2nd classic car in SoCal and tow it behind. Sell in FL and make a wad. Buyers would drool when they see a car w/ zero rust behind the bumpers. Flat-towing usually only costs me an extra 3 mpg. Remove the drive-shaft. If both cars work, you are towing a backup.