Laptop recommendations?

I HAIGHT Winhozed Ha-eight. That is all.

Lenovo Thinkpad T520, dual boot Winhozed sleven (use it very rarely) and Linux Ubuntu (formerly Mint) "Mate" desktop

I have two of them "used" and paid about 150 each. I put an SSD in the one I use daily and it REALLY REALLY REALLY sped the thing up. Takes seconds to boot. SECONDS

Frankly, I doubt that the support for Winhoard sleven will run out before your laptop dies. Also "there are ways" to get support after this, even lots of stuff for Xtra Putrid can still be had. The "big" problem with old OS's is support for new hardware.

I've thought about buying a Mac. It would be used if I did. Frankly, I think the used ones I've seen are incredibly over-priced. I hate Steve Jobs, may he rot, even more than I hate Gates and his buddy runs the company.