crap what next?!

Take a clear photo with a good camera, it appears by looking at the pic you posted you have a valve guide issue on that cylinder.
it's too late for that. I sealed that thing back up yesterday morning before even moper chimed in about cracks and valve guides and pulling the head. I just went with krazykuda and seal it up real good and let it dry thru today and going to fire it up tomorrow. again I'll check if it gets wet again by looking at the plugs. like I was saying let's just go with the easy fix first before we start tearing the motor apart again especially after I just sealed it up with a $25 intake gasket $6.00 jar of gaskacinch - $36.00 carbon exhaust manifold gasket for $20 Milodon oil pan gasket 8 quarts @ $7.75 ($61)Penn grade oil and another 7 bucks for an oil filter. Oh ya and $20 for "the right stuff" gasket. (which is a real pain in the butt to get off, but seals good) Let's try that before we go ripping the heads off for good lord knows how much? keep that cyber spending down to a minimum.