crap what next?!

What caused you to find the oil in the first place? Do you have a way to check to see if the port is dry now or are you counting on inspecting the plug(s)?
this thread is a continuation of "my hungry new stroker".hence "crap what next"? I just had kind of change the subject so I started a new thread and the subject got changed when I noticed the oily intake port. I had no previous indication as the car seemed to run extremely well and there was no smoke or indication of said problem. I mean I have had the dark plug here and there but it really wasn't extreme by any measure. I don't think I have 500 miles on the fresh rebuild and maybe just over a dozen passes at the track. I really was hoping to have it together today and tested as I have my second points race tomorrow and was hoping to make it. it's the first time I've ever done any officially drag racing and I would be disappointed to think I'm already missing the second race. now it's a small 6 race series over the summer just to get my feet wet and get acquainted with racing. I almost feel a bit of an obligation to the other members of the small "hole in the hood" series. I can take the 2 carburetors off together on the top plentem and look straight down the runners at the valves through the tunnel ram.