LMAO Nice try, "FBI"

I know that for a fact, and have had multiple customers tell me they sent multi thousand dollars to someone who said they were a relative stranded somewhere and needed money to get home.

Yup the wife and I fell for this one.

All started with her sister getting a call from someone claiming to be a cousin. The sister has no money but also took the time to give this asshole information about the family. So by the time she sent him to us, he knew the names of most of the family. This sister has hit us up for money more than once, so she knows we have money to help people. We ended up out $2500 until they actually tried to convince us we were talking to a highway patrolman who was going to let him go for a fine paid. That is when I finally convinced my wife to call a member of this supposed cousin's family. It was all about emotion. It happened on Thanksgiving and we had company coming. Kept asking the wife. Are you sure this is your cousin. The fool is crying on the phone with my wife and of course her reply is YES. Never felt like a total fool more in my life. I knew something was fishy, but the emotion took control.