Do I have any rightss against code enforcement from city ordinances?

Most municipalities dont want to be bothered with writing codes, so the 'adopt' them. Usually they either know in advance or figure it out really quick, that they dont have the manpower to enforce them. Most will just pick and choose what they will enforce. Squeeky wheel gets greased. So, they usually enforce the obvious and whatever gets reported.
Are they enforcing this equally? Does anyone else have cars out and you KNOW they are not getting cited? I would not do there work for them and turn anyone in, but if there are a lot of them around and they singled you out, you may have a case. Otherwise, i would agree that you should try to either find a way to comply or request an extension.
I park and work on my car in the driveway along a state route. Its not registered. I dont know exactly what is allowed, but i would guess they could make me move it. That said, i keep it as neat as possible. If i cant button up a job overnight i will tarp it. So, other than while i am working, it is always as together as possible. Even when i had the front end apart, i hung the road side fender on it for appearance. I dont want my place looking like a junkyard either. Even with all that, i'm sure one nosey neighbor could end my luck. Then again, most of my neighbors are far from compliant on other issues...