single stage vs base coat clear

I'm going single stage. It was good enough back then so good enough today.

Sounds like my Pops!

In the mid 90's he was restoring a '37 Plymouth and shot it with (are you ready for this?) nitrocellulose lacquer! Yeah, you read it right, nitrocellulose, and it had to be special ordered because nobody carried that stuff anymore. Why did he shoot it with nitrocellulose lacquer? That's simple - "because it was good enough back then when this car rolled off the assembly line." Really?

I explained to Pops that they used that crap because that's all they had and there wasn't anything better like there is today. Pops didn't want to hear it and shot it with that junk anyway. It was only a few years before very fine checking and cracking started to show in the paint. Nobody was more surprised than Pops - "what the hell!? This stuff worked great back in the 30's?"

With stuff like paint, sometimes it's better to go with the more modern stuff as these kinds of things have evolved and are a lot more better than some of the stuff they used "back then".