Switching Gears: Mopar to Mustang

Thanks, Doogievlg and dozer556.
I'll check those out. Vintage Mustang Forum (VMF) looked promising, but everytime I tried to register, I got stuck in a loop.
I bought the mustang from a co-worker, who bought it from another co-worker several years before that. It's been sitting in his garage for a few years. It's in pretty decent shape. A few small rust holes in the floor pan, but nothing bigger than a child's fist. The engine is a 289-2V. Auto-trans. The previous co-co worker had done a lot of work to the suspension, so that was a plus. (after doing the front end on the valiant, I can't look at another bushing, lol) I'm going to do the SSBC disc upgrade. The interior is all out, but it's all there, so it's just a matter of putting all back. Here are some photos, and I can post more as the project progresses. This will be a fun project. My son was not too involved in the valiant, but my daughter can't wait to to get her hands dirty.