Bumping out of 2nd

As aj mentioned for that to occur i would be having to apply pressure towards neutral, i always keep my hand resting the weight of my hand in the direction of the shift

Unfortunately this is not always the case, and you can prove it to yourself by listening close as you pull the shifter farther INTO the gear.
Try it and in most cases with the engine idling in gear with the clutch disengaged pulling farther into the gear will slow the motor a little.
That means the shift fork is dragging the RPMs down and the result of that should be obvious. (worn shift forks)

It's not every gear or every trans either, and you may need to pull it more than just resting your arm on it but the point is that the forks oft times still drag on the slider ring even after it is in the gear.
Try it and prove to yourself which gears do it and which don't on your own transmission.