I am tired

Good of Rob to let us know. Sorry he is feeling tired of it all.

There is an "ignore" feature to avoid anyone you don't like, eliminating the urge to bash them, and thereby making the site more positive.

As someone who has a VERY large ignore list I feel I am very qualified to respond to this....Problem with the ignore list is if someone quotes a person on someones ignore list they will see what the ignored person is blabbing about....

I spend very little time here anymore...and just as I said in a thread a while back no one noticed....nor cares....which is also what I predicted would happen. And you know what...couldn't care less. As AdamR once told me...more like several times....it is just a effin internet site. Ain't in no way shape or form "real". Have tried being "friends" in the real world with a couple of folks from here.....didn't happen....it is what it is...