Tunnel ram street carbs

my hand is only in the picture too block the late afternoon Sun and making a bad reflection against the camera. but with that said a cheap linkage kit from the parts store is really all you need with Edelbrock or Carter carburetors. ( pretty much the same thing). as you can see I have the rear carburetor set up in quite the normal fashion the front carburetor is where the magic happens - lol. I have the slide through pull tab set up lower- i.e. closer to the fulcrum point of the front carburetor than the back carburetor. thus allowing the front carburetor to have a quicker swing and catch up to the back carburetor at full throttle. the little set knob with the set screw on it is simply set when both carburetors are at wide open throttle. Easy no?View attachment 20150605_174157.jpg