Dumb things,that happen at car lots....

I guess the dumbest thing that happens at a car lot is people buying fords

I once took a V6 Camaro out for a test drive, and it was a day of firsts for me
first time driving a rear wheel drive car, first time driving in the snow and I guess the first time I wrecked a Camaro aswell
it was pretty funny i had picked this car up at about 7 at night or so and of course it was dark already. drove her for a few miles and when i got to a straight stretch i put the hammer down at about 45 MPH
the rear and kicked sideways and she started spinning until it slammed into a fence
hit it hard enough i couldn't even open the driver side door anymore

so i brought it back, parked it across the street (undamaged passenger side facing the house) and told the guy it wasn't for me

he called me the next morning and he was rather upset