i must be completely missing something ?!?

When you put an 11.20 or better engine in a 13 second chassis, you get what you get.

I read this and it is EXACTLY what I expected. A bunch or derogatory insults and put downs towards people that have done a lot in drag racing, some for over 40 years. There are people that can and do with what they have, then there are the one that want to throw untold money at a crappy combo from the get go. Which do you want to be? There is a reason some of us don't respond anymore. If you can't guess what that reason is, I can't help you. :)

Where did anyone mention relatively stock. That's a figment of your imagination and you are missing a lot. A those 596 heads ported to flow 200cfm going backwards or stable with stock or 240+ with super strong low end numbers... hmmm Your engine makes some steam and the car is VERY weak in the first 330'

Remember making this comment?

Stick with that and you'll get far... SMH!!!
I remember and use it . I didn't put anybody down and please don't put words in my mouth! I called "bull crap"?
"The reason some of us don't respond anymore" THAT is actually the reason - the whole clique thing? If someone challenges your thinking (or your memory of a car you had 30 years ago?)
Throw money at? You've drastically over estimated my wallet ! LOL everything on my car I've took great pride in doing myself some right a lot wrong.
any comments are very appreciated good or otherwise.
most my friends and fellow (mopar drag racers) laugh when I mention this forum, but I defend it and tell of the great information available. If there are people behind the scenes (clique) that don't want to comment on my threads or get there feelers hurt by what i say- I will survive.