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spark plugs are cool .....I broke one apart one time to see what was inside but it didn't go very well ......then I realized I could have just googled it for a pic like this to see how it works.

its stuff like spark plugs that amaze me to think of who thought of it. I mean who actually had the thought evolution to come up with a design that works and has become universally accepted. And who would have thought ceramic.

I wish I could invent something like that.

They use ceramic because it is a good insulator. (Let's just say that my family has a little background in electricity).

If you want to break one apart, try removing an old spark plug from a 2.2 L. when I tried to remove them from my Laser XT, the hex and center electrode came off and the threads stayed stuck in the head. I had to remove the head and get it drilled out. Now I anti-sieze grease them in aluminum heads...