Dumb things,that happen at car lots....

I was a salesman at a Chrysler-Plymouth dealership in '64, so saw lots of odd and scary stuff. One that saved our butt comes to mind. I was at the used car lot and had to move an older Oldsmobile to a different spot. When I grabbed the steering wheel so I could move the seat forward, the steering wheel came off in my hand. The nut had not been reinstalled after a repair. Can't you just see that happening to a customer as he drove it down the road?

While on vacation in another state, I brought my two-year old van to the local Chrysler dealer for an oil change. The young woman who was driving it back to the service bay sideswiped a concrete post and wiped out the entire right side of the van. They said they could fix it in three days, but I was leaving the next day. The manager tried his best to resolve the issue, so I told him to sell me a new van at cost. He did, so I was satisfied.

My wife had retired her Realtor job and said she wanted a 200 convertible to replace her 300 sedan. Since 2014 was to be the last year for the convertible, I went to a local CJD dealer and said I wanted to order one, but he said they were no longer being made and I would have to find a used one. I couldn't convince him to even check the computer, so I went to a small town dealer and ordered one from the factory. Know your product, or lose...