CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

Sorry been so long....
Aspen not done. ABB got an 04 Jeep Liberty on short notice this past October. She needed something to drive for work and the rental was up from the deer strike.

Car Hauler gone.
Now have a 93 F-150 for my daily driver.
Still same job. The boss I didn't like? Me and him became friends before he retired this last Friday night. I got a promotion into the #2 slot just under his old position so I'm in line for his old job if anything else should happen.

ABB, I and our 2 pups are doing okay.

Still looking to the future for more free money and free time to re-start my hobby. Would like a roll back next time!!!

Aspen might sell tomorrow so that would just leave us with the 64Dart170. That's okay though, it's her turn for attention now. Plus she fits in better here than the Aspen! :)

Hope all our old friends here are still doing okay. Glad to know there is some people out in the world who still care about us.

FABO's good friend,