What would you do?

I was a newly hired California Highway Patrol officer. At the shooting range, the Sgt. was giving instructions on when to fire, how many rounds, etc. When we all finished our practice shooting, I noticed we still had 6 rounds left over, which meant the Sgt. must have overlooked one of the firing exercises. After no one else spoke up, I decided to take the initiative to point that out to him the extra rounds we still had (by missing six rounds of fire, it meant it was impossible for anyone to evaluate a score for that quarter). Well, he blew his top and told me if I wanted to shoot six more rounds then that was my business, or something to that effect. Well, I was glad to find out I was the only one "brave" enough to point out the Sgt's unintentional error, and disappointed in the fact that the Sgt could not take it in stride. My co-workers thought I was foolish. Not surprisingly, my evaluations went from good to bad and I was forced to resign or get fired. Fortunately, the United States Border Patrol hired me a year later.