What would you do?

If I were the applicant, I would wonder what kind if boss I would have if he couldn't spell properly. I would think that someone would make sure that the ad is correct before putting it out there. Not very professional.

On the surface I agree. But what if the employer is looking for real initiative? Might this not be a good way to separate the wheat from the chaff?

As a former head hunter I can tell you that resume's mean very little. You can not read desire, initiative, or out of box thinking capability in a resume. I was a head hunter for engineering folk. I have a natural understanding of engineering in general. The best candidates I interviewed were the one's that could take their complex technical experience and translate it into laymen's terms. The in box thinkers failed. The out of box thinkers were not just book learned engineers, they were practical engineers. They had the degree's, but more importantly they had an honest love and dedication to their trade.
