The Great Pumpkin - '71 Duster

Well, not much progress on the 416 this week. Summer is here and the car is still up on jack stands. The engine is where I left off last time, nothing has changed. Had some family issues come up at the end of last week that I have been/will be dealing with for the next few weeks. Between that and the screw-ups, I decided to take a break. Over the weekend I built a garden box for my wife and kids and replaced the broken lattice on the deck.

In the meantime, I have been agonizing about these stupid rod bolts. I have come to the conclusion they are installed incorrectly and should be replaced. That will be $145 down the drain.

The reason I need to get new ones is that I over toruqed one and I can't remember which one it was. I know it was close to the front but I'm not sure. I wrote down specs until #3 where I stopped so it's probably one of those but again, not sure. Besides, some of them started getting rounded off and I've torqued them now at least 6 times each. I don't feel confident about them anymore so it's probably just best to replace all of 'em and be done with it. Just have to chalk it up to experience I guess. In general, rod bolts should not be complicated. So what did I do? I introduced complexity where the was none and it bit me in the arse.

I spoke with Scat and ARP again and they both said just use the torque spec. I should have just followed the torque # in the first place but I wanted to see if I could do the stretch method. Scat comes up with a # based on optimal clamping load and the torque spec is generally what it is. ARP said any test they have done to double check the numbers are usually dead nuts. And really, neither ARP or Scat want to be responsible for connecting rod failures so you gotta believe they make sure stuff is right before it goes out the door. Again, the confusing part is why Scat gives a torque spec then a stretch limit. Should be either or.

I'm also still annoyed about the cracked oil pump which is another $140 down the drain. I'm really pissed at myself about that one. Might call the company that prepares them and see what they can do for me about a new housing since the gears and cover are matched.

The trans stuff arrived last week but it's on hold for now. Converter has not shown up yet but I am no hurry for it since you guessed it, the car is on jack stands. Hope the trans rebuild goes a little smoother.

No pics this time, rather not take pics of over torqued rod bolts.