to stroke or not to stroke?

^^^^honestly if you respond to this thread again I seriously would love to see some kind of parts list or motor size or something showing that 850 pounds of torque and 425 horsepower build. It really stirs my thinking process, it's not something you hear often or in my case ever! and it's a drag race motor? I hope you don't take offense to me calling
" bull crap"!!

Just curious j par, what do you do for a living to call bull crap?

I clean out houses for a living, my job sucks crap! so I know bullcrap when I smell it! you read his half assed explanation of how to make 850 foot pounds of torque and only 425hp? because someone gets on the internet and has a bunch of laid out writing and it sounds all good doesn't make it true or werth crap. He questioned our thinking, could I question his??. Bonjour, l'm a supermodel!! so back to it my best time is at 11.88 @ 117mph. moving forward.......?

20 post newbee what do you do for a living? Wait a minute ..... that's none of my business and I don't care!