Read my plugs

ROTFLMAO I'd rather adjust the knobs til its warmed up properly, then check the oil.

On a more serious note: Because the OP asked about mixture questions, literal person I tend to be, restricted my answer to that issue. For the threads (especially on plug 2) to be as discolored as they are after only 90 miles, IMO, the plug is too hot. Ideally only the first two threads should be discolored. IIRC, the farther a plug's electrodes and porcelain extend into the combustion chamber, the hotter the plug.

This is incorrect. How hot or cold a plug is had nothing to do with the depth the electrode extends into the combustion chamber. It is how deep the center electrode extends into the plug. You can have two plugs on either end of the spectrum whose electrodes are the same distance into the combustion chamber.

A picture is worth a thousand words.