Need a copy of Trans-Go's installation instructions..

the long and short of it is, i took a 727 manual shift to a local rebuilder and had it rebuilt. I asked for him to swap the valve body for and automatic one, only to find out after i installed it that it will not up-shift.. I called and explaind to the owner my comcerns.. He spoke to his builder and asked if he noticed anything in the govenor that did not look right.. Turns out the builder did not take the govenor apart. I was pissed to say the least.. Now he asked me to see if i can locate a set of instructions for the Trans-go kit.. I am pretty ticked off about the whole thing.. Thats what you get for trusting people who say "we have done hundreds of them" Now i have little time to get the car back over to the shop to get it looked at. I figure if i go down there i sm liable to get hot under the collar, so i am trying to get as much info as i can so my time spent there is minimal. Last trans i take to this shop. $hit happens and i realize people make errors.. But a half *** job is not my idea of transmission assembly.

Sorry for the Rant.


Just because a guy changes tires in a tire shop, doesn't make him a tire expert.The whole automotive industry is full of fakers after your coin...