Why we can't have anything nice.

My wife just had to have one of those Effin things for the kids!!! I relented, and said ok. Got it for em for Christmas. Didnt stake it down because i had to be able to drag it out of the way to get my shop door clear to do mtx on our daily drivers.

A monster rain storm with high winds, picked it up, slammed it into my shop damaging the 18 foot long roll up door, a few metal side panels, and ripping the corner of the gutter off, then the wind slams this thing against the back of the house ripping up my steel roof and almost smashing a brand new set of windows i just installed on the enclosed sun porch i was in the middle of building. Oh but it doesnt end there, no no!!! The trampolines last hurrah, was lifting off like a demented UFO, and skidding across my roof damaging more of my steel panel roof before slamming into our side yard fence, flopping over it and blowing out my neighbors dining room windows.

I called my ins co. Got my neighbor fixed up, he helped me dissassemble it, and pitch the pieces back over the fence, and then i mended the fence.

I kept the tubing for my poor mans body rotisserie i made, and sold the jump part and springs to a friend who needed it for his kids trampoline for $50. Kept sarcastically saying thank you santa!!!

2 months later after everything gets all repaired and back to normal, my wife actually has the nerve to say to me , "the kids really miss having the trampoline, lets get another one" to which i reply " what are you F**King nuts" !!! "The answer is NO"!!!!!