Why we can't have anything nice.

Really? Some people don't have a garage or store other stuff inside it and can't use it. Yes, they are nice cars but are probably more of a daily driver....my nice Durango sits outside so my collector cars can sit inside.....the neighbors trampoline should have been secured down....and not landing on his nice cars next door.

I got plenty of neighbors who have so much **** packed in their garages theres only a path to their door thru there. A garage is for parking cars not **** collecting. I refuse to let **** pile up in the garage. I ask whats this box of whatever doing in here when the wife or the kids plop it in there. I give em a time limit. When times up, i remind em, the next day its either in the dumpster, or to salvation army. They all know by now the garage is for the cars, and our spare freezer. not stockpiling crap.

For the other poster we had 90 mph straightline winds during this storm. Sandbags would not have held a 12 foot trampoline down, as a matter of fact one other trampoline was found in another neighbors tree after this storm had 20" long steel stakes dangling from its legs as the wind just jerked it out of the ground stakes and all.

If your good rides are in a garage, a carport for your daily drivers helps, keeps the heat from beating the interiors and paint up, hail damage, bird poop, snow , flying trampolines, etc.

I never in a million years thought we would have a storm like that, and that the damned thing would take flight. I had to keep it loose to be able to move it, never wanted the damned thing in the first place.