Buyer Beware!! member Tawny Demon has my money but won't communicate

Yes, you do. You want credibility, you need posts.

Jokes aside, I see people come on here all the time all they do is post up their over priced crap and walk away, not bothering to give back or get involved in the community they capitalize from.

That bothers me. It should bother you too. That type of deal ruins the hobby for all of us. Come here, take, and not return the favor.

Dude, I got better things to do than sit and look at my phone/ computer and trying to reach 4k posts, if I'm going to get any credibility, it's going to be at work and my personal life. Where it really matters, not a forum where I don't even know the person but by his screen name and icon (No offense to anyone). I love this mopar loving family.