Buyer Beware!! member Tawny Demon has my money but won't communicate

its not just mass. guys, you have one in chillicothe ohio named chance copp, goes by david, took me last may,i was dumbass enough to send money order, i had his cell, his address and email , sent money, he couldnt provide me with tracking number , he quit answeringpms, cell and email, after a month called and told me he and his frinds partied good on my money, inran a background check, he had 4 address and 5 alias , he is still on a bodies under another name, i suggest you do a google map search when you get their address, usually a vacant lot or business, do what admin says, no money orders or cash unless you know them, too many scammers out there, if they dont do paypal or you can pickup the parts, tell them to keep it.

Come on, man! Capital letters and periods would be extremely helpful in understanding what you wrote.