carlisle 4 weeks from today

Sounds great ... but kind of sucks that it is so far to the "right" (east coast) ... really tough for anyone west of the Mississippi to make that haul. Too bad the big show wasn't more centrally located like in Minneapolis, Memphis, or ... St Louis!

Then it would be too far for us here! You mid-westerners have the Nats which I have never been to. National Trail is also pretty far from St. Louis though.

Central PA is not a terribly long drive for me but it is through three states. I am surprised to see people chiming in from North Carolina and such. That's a haul.

Carlisle seems like it's become bigger than the Nats recently. It's hard to see everything in one day. It would be cool if it was a track like the Nats but there are racing events in the surrounding areas. I stay all weekend now, I never used to do that.