skip white HEI timing issues

Well I did some playing last night nd switched the wires around and the the marks do move wen you switch the wires or change the polarity. I disconnected the fuel pump nd put the timing at 18 according to the balancer and it backfired nd popped thru the intake so I tried 15,10, 5, 0, but didn't run worth **** any where around there I even tried switching the wires out of curiosity nd same thing. So I took my plug out found absolute TDC #1 nd it lined up on my damper and the rotor lines with the #1 cap. So its mechanically in time the only way I can time it is if I do it by ear where it runs the best nd then the timing marks don't even show up. I also tried disconnecting the msd box nd using the GM 4 terminal module same **** it just don't make any sense