Happy father's day

my oldest daughter just posted a pic on facebook for me. since i'm a computer dumbass, I will just tell ya what it was. simply a painting of the cowboy with his little girl and a horse. the narrative was " a father's love nevers ends, amen".
she was raised being aware of the fact I didn't sugar coat anything. I expected her to be respectful of other people and livestock, and pets. she was right there helping me with horses, and livestock ever since she was old enough to not get hurt helping. she and her younger sister have been down the road many a thousand of miles hauling horses. they learned respect, responsibilities, hard work, finishing a job, the life and death of everyday living on the country.
I guess they realized I loved them, cause when we were going down the road, they would spot a McDonalds, so everytime I would stop there for food ( giving it the benefit of the doubt??), 30 foot trailer and all! LOL
may all the fathers out the have a good day and reflect on the good times!