New Police Radar - I'm looking for info on this, Anyone???

Now you are asking to I agree.. drive the spedlimit and not have anything to worry about.. I get a kick out of those who fly by me. I run 68 in a 65 and get passed every morning and evening by those who want to run 75mph plus.. "Allot of them are Military" then they all see a trooper and slam the brakes on to slow down even slower than the speed limit and I ride by with the cruise on.... Crazy...

The interstate speed limit around here is 70MPH. Going through town it's 60. In areas that are marked 70MPH, I drive between 75 and 79 mph. I've gone through countless speed traps, and have never once been stop, even at 79 MPH. What's more, I'm never the fastest moving vehicle around.