New Police Radar - I'm looking for info on this, Anyone???

Now you are asking to I agree.. drive the spedlimit and not have anything to worry about.. I get a kick out of those who fly by me. I run 68 in a 65 and get passed every morning and evening by those who want to run 75mph plus.. "Allot of them are Military" then they all see a trooper and slam the brakes on to slow down even slower than the speed limit and I ride by with the cruise on.... Crazy...

Depends on where you're at. Get into some highly congested areas and running the speed limit can turn you into a speed bump.

If you run the Masspike there are areas where the cops will let you roll at 80-90 mph as most of traffic is doing that. If you run 65mph then you're becoming a traffic hazard as you're stacking traffic up for miles.