Strip to Street Help Needed

Well with a 5500 stall, I imagine, the engine wouldn't care much, how soon the timing came in. However if the advance was to stick full on as the engine returned to idle, AND the port sync was off, I can certainly understand the engine complaining about it by stalling.Lots of guys run locked dizzys with combos like that, but it still requires a reasonable port sync to pull it off.And theres no harm in slowing it down.
I suppose you have eschewed the PCV install, and are just running VC breathers
In the past I have used the PCV port as a continuous, idle-air bypass.
If I were a betting man, Id put money on the port sync.

I'll look into that. Wish I had someone close that could help me out as I don't really know what I'm doing with that aspect of the carb. A little research will be in order for sure.