should i feel this way about fathers day

Well my wife is at work. She works nights on weekends as a drug and alcohol rehab nurse.

I have 4 kids, my oldest is in Florida visiting her half sister for a few weeks, and my middle 2 spent the weekend at grandmas.

It was refreshing for it to be just me and my son this weekend. He is 2&1/2. We played w blocks, and hot wheels cars, went to church this morning, then to Wendys for lunch. I just put him to bed, so i am now writing this.

The oldest of my middle 2 girls has attention deficit disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder. I think this is the biggest drain on my wife and i. We have her seeing a psychologist, and we also see this woman to help us with her. Still we take it day by day. Insanity in our home with this kid has become the new normal.

If you dont know what oppositional defiant disorder (O.D.D.) is?? Look it up. This goes beyond dealing with a bad kid. The normal punishments just dont work, and make **** worse. We tried the traditional parenting with this one, like we have with our other kids, it just makes it bad. So bad in fact my oldest wants to leave when she turns 18 because of all the crap with her younger sister.

Its like watching the exorcist in real life when she becomes unhinged. I am so jaded by it all now i would not be amazed if this kid spins her head completely around, and spits out green split pea soup. The outbursts and tantrums, the hatred and venom this kid spews out of her mouth directed at my wife, myself, our family when she is having an episode is epic. Then when she calms down she denies saying anything. I love her, but stuff like this makes it just so hard.

My other middle girl, on the other hand is very quiet, shy, and prefers to do quiet solitary activities. She and i recently completed a plastic model kit of a 70 road runner. She loves to sit and do stuff like model kits.

I do everything for my kids. In the end i feel unappreciated. All i want is a bit of time for myself, and to be able to enjoy the other aspects of my life i find enjoyable like my project car. So its not a case as one poster said about me being selfish, or another poster saying nobody put a gun to your head. Its called being able to decompress, or taking a breather, etc.

Sometimes its nice to have a bit of funds and time for yourself, to be able to enjoy other things in life. How many of you deny yourselves time to go shooting, hunting, fishing, or golfing, or any other manly type activities?? I wouldent dare try to walk a mile in anyone elses shoes. The crap we all deal with is different but sucky all the same.

we have all put out 2 cents worth in, but as I see it, we have failed to recognize the problem you have with the daughter struggling with the O.D.D. years back, we had a friend that her 12 year old daughter had this. I didn't realize what her parents were dealing with till I heard the episode where the daughter went off, and started trying to cut up the family with a butcher knife, ( yes at 12). and yes this was a stable, high middle class family, not a bunch of dopers and such.

all I can say is yes, you do need time for yourself, and whatever "affordable "toys it takes to keep your sanity! I realize many times that word " affordable" is hard to capture in reality!!!

all you can do is " the best you can do" and realize you yourself may not be able to solve every problem. sounds like you are doing all you can for the girl. love her and pray she can come out of it. you undoubtely have an extra burden most of us do not have to bare.