Received long awaited 1965 build record from Chrysler Historical

I finally got back my build record from Chrysler Historical. I was strongly disappointed. I can't believe I paid that much. I communicated before I decided to order but wasn't told that it would be totally illegible. I've got part of the broadcast sheet that was under the seat but it's so torn and chunks missing I can't get much out of it. I'm wondering how come it appears different than the build record on file. The one Chrysler had on file has the computer hole punches and the original one I have is just typed. Do all those hole punches mean something? The only good thing is that it said where it was originally sold. Has anyone else had better luck on their build card? It's still cool to have just disppointed in how totally illegible it was. If I knew it was unreadable I probably wouldn't have ordered it for the price.