jeep 904 auto issues anyone want to take a crack at this please

-Hows reverse?Reverse and manual low share most of the same circuit.If reverse works perfect, then the L/R band adjustment is likely, fine.
-If the 2/3 shift timing is normal, then the throttle pressure, and the line pressure, is probably fine.
-If the tranny doesnt start in low, with drive selected; Ima guessing the KD band is not releasing. Then when you manually select low, you would feel that band dragging.
It could be a hydraulic issue or a mechanical issue. Since drive works ok, Ima thinking its a hydraulic issue. If it was mechanical, it would be dragging in drive as well, and that would make the engine sluggish, and mess up the 2-3 shift. So Ima going with a problem in the valve-body.I'm also guessing its been this way ever since the shift-kit was installed.

Unless the accumulator is broken. A broken accumulator would allow line pressure to sneak into the KD servo and apply that band.And so would missing hook rings, but I dont think broken hook-rings would do it, and the piston cant come up far enough to get out of the bores, and if it had come right out, second wouldnt work.But as long as its shuttling back and forth,it only affects first.