jeep 904 auto issues anyone want to take a crack at this please

Good call Rob, I was going to say A999...that's what my old roommate's 89 YJ had.

I'm with AJ on this one too--does reverse work? With my wife's car, one of the pistons was stuck in the valve body and it kept the trans from dropping down into would do the same thing in reverse...felt like I was using a transbrake. Unstick the piston and it worked fine. After some test drives, I figured out it only happened when it would downshift under full throttle from OD to 2nd. If I left OD locked out or disabled it while cruising, it wouldn't do it anymore. Obviously the circuits are different and an A999 doesn't technically have OD (lock up), but you need to get in there and find out if you have some broken or stuck parts...