No spark and i can only get 5V at the coil.

Precisely youngdart, poor service and operating conditions,as well as improper
repairs add up to things aircraft should not experience.( I said SHOULD Not?!!)
That being said,new cars of today and yesteryear have all routinely suffered
from wiring fails.Vehicles are mass produced,and so are the harnesses installed
in them,by humans who are not perfect.Having taken My 1st tech job at a dealer
30 yrs. ago,I could tell you hundreds of stories citing pinched/cut harnesses,tons
of pushed out terminations from their connector,poorly designed/placed connections
subjecting them to corrosion etc. on & on. If you have a shelf of freebie test pieces
and they are quickly changed,I guess you can afford to be lazy 'till you are forced
to actually diagnose the prob., when you run out of parts.
Mopars elec. ign. is quickly and easily diagnosed if all the basics are in good cond.
There are times when a system is complicated,and accessibility so restricted,that
the part is less expense than the labor involved thus actually a better call for the
customer's sake. All in all,glad you will be able to enjoy your ride,cheers!!:coffee2: