Anyone with power steering?

Messin' wid hozaz is easy, IF..............

You have the right ends

They are in good shape

They are steel.

There are several things you can do...........

Saw the end off the old hose and braze a "standard??" ?common? fitting onto the steel, such as a no6 male flare. Now you can have a "tractor" (hydraulics) shop make up a common hose. Some of these places also will silver braze the ends

The other thing (all I remember is Weatherhead brand no's) Some of the hose companies make high pressure, heavy duty compression hose ends just for this purpose

The W' head part no for 2 braid, no 6 hose is 06U- series, and for a 5/16 tube it is 06U-755, for 3/8 tub is 06U-756

Like so

The other thing is, many of the aftermarket replacement hoses uses a "3 part" system, where the two ends fit a companion hose. IF you can find a smart, cooperative parts guy, you can "mix" these parts to get what you need.

In my beat-up old Landcruiser, I used to run a Mopar pump (smallblock) with a GM Saginaw box