How long do I wait for parts paid for before becoming a dick! ADDED SELLERS NAME !!!

he should have already provided you a tracking number, if he is not calling or pm you , its a good chance that you have been screwed, google his address and get on google map and see if address exist, in a small town , the post man may know the person and put the mail in the box where he lives regardless of address, i googled one that was going to sell me wheel centers, his address he gave me was a vacant lot, last year i sent chance copp in chillicothe ohio that was on a bodies a money order, had his email, address and cell , he stayed in contact for a few weeks after he recieved my money and kept telling me he sent my parts but wouldnt provide me a tracking number, i done a background check, he had 4 addresses listed , he got irate when after 2 months i hadnt recieve my patrs and i questioned him about the 4 addresses, he tried to make me the bad guy by calling abodies admin. joey and say i threatened him, 2 weeks later he called to tell me he and his friends partied good on my money, moral of story, dont send money to someone you dont know., they wont send parts without money, so dont send money unless they take paypal.