Dumb stories ,about your first car...

Mine was a 69 Cougar,351w /FMX /9" rear end. The only mods I ever did : A ZZ Top bumper sticker(hey,it's '83...lol), A aftermarket steering wheel,& one of those chrome low profile air cleaners,with the foam that catches on fire.
Dad was driving,didn't have my license yet. Had timing issues, backfiring through the carb. Dad gets whizzed by the popping up a hill ,hammers the throttle. (No air cleaner lid,screwing with it).Of course ,it backfires & dies.The hood's paint,starts smoking & turning brown (lol). Put the fire out,& went home.
Woke up after a night ,of Saturday night cruzing. Come out at 9:00 a.m.to wash the car,it's not there. Mom says"Dad took it for a drive..." He comes home aggravated, says nothing during Sunday football. A couple of weeks later, a notice shows up for a speeding ticket,lol...
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