No spark and i can only get 5V at the coil.

Um, if the OP didn't have a known good"component" laying around,and that's where
YOU start,then he would have to purchase one now wouldn't he?As far as MY advice
goes,it was spot on.The first test I suggested eliminates the run ign. power supply,
ign. sw.,ballast,& coil as culprits all at once in about a minute.The rest is just as
basic and quick as well,all tests actually could be done(preferably) from the mod.
connector.the 1st from term.#2. There are only 4 wires to check(5 w/dual ballast
and green/red wire),so i'm not sure who had the OP"shooting wires all over the
place",but that shouldn't take long even to check all of them.
It's Chrysler's"little car manual",and I was simply quoting it since it was brought
up. I don't use it for these simple old cars,but it is still usefull for the usual specs
etc.,and of course wiring diagrams.Have a nice day genius.